In recent years, it has become increasingly evident to regulators, lawmakers, users, and service providers that there is a need for a reference framework for security and control in Information Technology (IT). Critically important to success and survival of an organization is effective management of IT. In this global information society, where information travel through cyberspace without the constraints of time, distance and speed this critically arises from the: (a)increasing dependence on information and system that deliver this information; (b) increasing vulnerabilities and a wide spectrum of threats, such as cyber threats and information warfare; (c) scale and cost of the current and future investments in information and information systems; (d) potential for technologies to dramatically change organizations and business practices, create new opportunities and reduce costs. For many organizations, information and technology that supports it represent the organization’s most valuable assets. That why our firm has developed a unique IT consulting and auditing services based on the Information Systems Audit and Control Association and the CPA Web Trust principles and guidelines; in order to ensure that the business requirements for information are met, adequate control measures need to be defined, implemented and monitored over these resources.